[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]25 Massachusetts • Ste. 500B • Washington, D.C. • 20001 • 202-547-7800
Web: www.wheatworld.org Twitter: @wheatworld
For Immediate Release
Contact: Joshua Tonsager | 202.547.7800 | jtonsager@wheatworld.org
NAWG Elects Officers, Adopts 2021 Policy Priorities in Annual Conference
Washington, D.C. (March 4, 2021) – Last week the National Association of Wheat Growers concluded its annual conference, which entailed organizational action and adoption of 2021 policy priorities. Given the impacts of COVID-19 over the past year, the board re-elected the same slate of officers to continue in their roles for 2021. With that action, the board has re-elected Dave Milligan (MI) as President; Nicole Berg (WA) as Vice President; Brent Cheyne (OR) as Treasurer; Keeff Felty (OK) as Secretary; and Ben Scholz (TX) as Past President.
“It’s an honor to continue serving as NAWG’s President, especially as we’ve got a lot of important issues and opportunities for wheat farmers with the new Congress and new Administration,” said NAWG President and Cass City, Michigan, farmer Dave Milligan. “Following several important policy wins in 2020, we’ve now set our priorities for the upcoming year with a focus on defending critical farm support programs, maintaining and growing our markets, and engaging in climate and sustainability policy in a constructive manner to represent wheat growers’ interests, among other issues.”
NAWG’s efforts return now to engaging with Members of Congress and the Administration to outline the organization’s priorities. As part of this effort, NAWG will hold a virtual Hill week next week where its farmer members will meet with their Congressional delegations and the House and Senate Agriculture Committees.
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About NAWG
NAWG is the primary policy representative in Washington D.C. for wheat growers, working to ensure a better future for America’s growers, the industry and the general public. NAWG works with a team of 20 state wheat grower organizations to benefit the wheat industry at the national levels. From their offices on Capitol Hill, NAWG’s staff members are in constant contact with state association representatives, NAWG grower leaders, Members of Congress, Congressional staff members, Administration officials and the public.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]